
Empowers unknown artists

Transform every moment into a symphony !

Musicalee is your source of joy and escape.

Explore our talents

: Discover the emerging artists who are making waves in the music scene on Musicalee

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Vote for your favorite artists and influence the music of tomorrow on Musicalee

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Explore our carefully curated playlists for every mood and occasion

Discover the unexpected

Let yourself be surprised by our Discovery feature, where music meets adventure

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Learn more

“Why should you add your musics on Musicalee ?”
Because it’s free of charge. And besides, we will push your music so that anyone around the world can listen to it
“What is Musicalee’s added value ?”
Musicalee is designed to empower unknown artists and gives many possibilities to make money
“Will I become famous with Musicalee ?”
Everything is possible once you keep on promoting your Musicalee page around you also
“Is Musicalee plateform safe ?”
Absolutely! We use the best security protocol to ensure the protection of your music and your personal data
We kindly invite you to read our FAQ if you have more questions